Sunday, September 13, 2009

Manas Maghar

Recently world renounced RAM KATHA singer Param Pujya Shri MORARI BAPU Ji was at Maghar to give his tribute to Sant Kabir.
In this context he gave us his blessings of Ram katha as Manas Maghar.Here he relates the concepts of Ram Charit Manas with the Sant Kabir's  philosophy about human nature, life and society.The main idea of Manas Maghar revolved around following Chaupai of Ram Charit Manas -

Main Chopai: Bal Kand – Doha 5

Kaasi mag sursari kramnasa|
Maru marav mahidev gavasa|| 
Sarag narak anurag biraga|
Nigamagam gun dosh bibhaga||

Kasi or Varanasi and Magadha or North Bihar (the accursed land), the holy Ganga the river of the celestials – and the unholy Karmanasa (in Bihar), the desert land of Maravara (Western Rajaputana and Sindha) and the rich soil of Malava, the Brahmana – who is a veritable god on earth – and the barbarian who feeds on the cow, heaven and hell, attachment and dispassion. The Vedas and other sacred books have sifted good from evil.

This Katha was 677'th katha of Morari bapu ji (From 5 - 13 Sep 09) arranged by Mr. Deen Dayal Jalan (Varanasi) , Mr. Roongata (Khalilabad ) , Mahant Shri Vichar Saheb (Maghar) & with local public.
Me and my freinds (Pradeep) were also a small part of it.

For more information about Morari bapu ji and upcoming Ram Kathas you can go to the following link

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